Monday, August 13, 2012

Nutrition Month 2012 (A Little too Late)

Grade 7 learners with their adviser, Ms. Erl

Second Years with Sir Glenn

You guessed it right! The small containers contain the ever sought after - fruit salad! The Third Years sure know how to make their schoolmates drool :)

The Seniors: Binago-ongan hipon, anyone?

The highlight, as you may have already thought of is the food. The students themselves cooked and prepared the dishes, desserts and drinks. They were judged accordingly, and it was the Grade 7 learners who won the contest.

In our campus, we always share the food that we put on the table. This is the kind of camaraderie that we have.

The activity's coordinator:

Ms. Rose Eden Dumayas

Intramurals 2012!

This year's theme for the Intramurals is: "Talent and Intelligence Win Games, But Through Teamwork We Can Become Champions." We marched and cheered with teammates, teachers as team managers and even parents at the vast grounds of our Basak Campus. Ball games such as soccer and volleyball were played. Taekwondo, scrabble, chess and larong Pinoy also made the event more fun and exciting. Students were divided into three teams namely the Green Pythons, Golden Jaguars and Amber Stallions. Our campus presented a themed dance number.

Although the Green Team bagged the award for the Best Dance Palabas, it was the Golden Jaguars that came out as the overall champion. Green came in second and the Stallions, third.

The Golden Jaguars
The Amber Stallions

The Green Pythons
Above photos courtesy of

A few pictures of BAST-C's performance:
The Amazon Girls: The girls giving their best as they do the first part of the intermission number

Tribal Boys: Our boys don't just excel in playing various sports, they are good in dancing, too!

Tribal Girls: All out and so in the zone!

Exit Dance. Students give their final shot as they bid the onlookers goodbye

The Cordova Group poses after the Intermission Number