Friday, July 20, 2012

In Focus (4th of 7 parts)

compiled by: Lhemar C.

Name: Deborah Lim
Nickname: Debbie
School: University of San Jose-Recoletos
Course: AB Mass Communication major in Broadcast Media
Subjects: English 1-4, Filipino 4


“To live life through labour is to be intimate with life’s inmost secret.”
- Kahlil Gibran

Why she dediced to be a teacher:

“I find fulfillment and happiness in constant learning and sharing of knowledge. Teaching is the perfect avenue for me to improve myself and to contribute to the changing of lives in young minds, which in turn, I hope will lead to having a better nation.”


 by: Vince Spencer Historia

In contact sports, the number of injuries is always on the higher side. Taking safety measures while playing contact sports is a must. It will give you guarantee to avoid suffering from grievous injuries and the same time, causing injuries to other players.

One of the contact sports where these safety measures have an important role to play is soccer. In this sport, there are always high chances of injuries happening on the field. During the play, there are sudden and quick changes of direction which lead to contact with the other players. At times, some player can become reckless, too. Therefore, safety measures have to be in place to protect yourself and the rest of the players.
In playing this sport, we need to wear the proper attire and basic protective gears:

Uniform. Soccer players take pride in their uniform. It should be distinct – one that would immediately allow the players to be recognized both by the opponents and spectators.
Soccer shoes. Playing soccer is never complete without the shoes!
Shin and mouth guards. These are your armors!
Goalie gloves. The goalkeeper needs a good pair of gloves in order to have a good grip of the       ball.

 Having these protective gears will help you avoid minor and serious injuries on the field.

 We should also inspect the field we are playing. Check if it has sharp objects or anything that may cause injury to a player. Also, refrain from saying bad comments to other players and most importantly, never resort to cheating. Sportsmanship is one way of making the game clean and fair.

In Focus (3rd of 7 parts)

compiled by: Lhemar C.

Name: Erlyn P. Craste
Nickame: Erl
School: Cebu Normal University
Course: BSED Technology and Livelihood Education
Subjects: TLE, Social Studies, Christian Living


“The purpose of life is a life of purpose and the meaning of life is to give life meaning. Therefore, give the best you could do from the past, in the present and for the future.”

Why she works for BAST-C:

“Not many jobs provide an individual with so much room for happiness, belongingness and self-improvement. BAST-C helps me in shaping my career and also giving me an opportunity to teach with purpose and passion.”

Thursday, July 19, 2012

In Focus (2nd of 7 parts)

compiled by: Lhemar C.

Name: Mr. Glenn Luther Aboc
Nickname: Din-Din
School: Cebu Normal University
Course: BS Mathematics
Subjects: Mathematics 1-4, Economics
Philosophy in Life:
“Positive thinking is not about expecting the best to happen. It’s about accepting whatever will happen that it’s for the best!”   
When asked about his reason for working in our school - this is his humble answer:
“I know that God has really put me into teaching and become a part pf BAST-C, because he wants me to work with the best teachers and the best learners. Also I want to share my knowledge and the little unknown acts of kindness and small things with great love.”

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

In Focus (1st of 7 parts)

compiled by: Lhemar C.

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth."  ~Dan Rather

The legend, as it is said, is that she is not only a woman of beauty but also of fierceness. She has been with us since we laid our foot on the grounds of BAST-C. Her name is Mrs. Aurora Y. Paquig, but we call her Ma’am Au-Au. Her philosophy which is “Life is short, so share, share, and share. When you’re gone, you will not be remembered by your profession but by the values you have shared,” mirrors her generosity not only with material things, but also the moral values and talent, too. She is the mitochondria of BAST-C that electrifies us, the cells, to do each part in our studies and journey here in BAST-C. “Working in BAST-C is my way of thanking my mentors who helped become the best person I can be and to earn my gate pass to heaven,” she adds. With her words, there is no doubt that she is a true supermodel of learning.