Wednesday, July 18, 2012

In Focus (1st of 7 parts)

compiled by: Lhemar C.

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth."  ~Dan Rather

The legend, as it is said, is that she is not only a woman of beauty but also of fierceness. She has been with us since we laid our foot on the grounds of BAST-C. Her name is Mrs. Aurora Y. Paquig, but we call her Ma’am Au-Au. Her philosophy which is “Life is short, so share, share, and share. When you’re gone, you will not be remembered by your profession but by the values you have shared,” mirrors her generosity not only with material things, but also the moral values and talent, too. She is the mitochondria of BAST-C that electrifies us, the cells, to do each part in our studies and journey here in BAST-C. “Working in BAST-C is my way of thanking my mentors who helped become the best person I can be and to earn my gate pass to heaven,” she adds. With her words, there is no doubt that she is a true supermodel of learning.

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